Personal Project Ideas for 2019

February is almost half over, so here is my unordered, unofficial list of side projects for this year.

Homepage and Personal Domain

My current homepage lacks some functionality. It is just a placeholder at the moment. My vision is to create subdomains for different features (e.g. see project “Location Checkins”) and tie it together via feeds on this microblog.
Also I would like to self host the HTML contents and services on a virtual server. That doesn’t really improve the homepage itself but I want to put the domain to better use.

Location Checkins

I’d like to have a personal location checkin service (Foursquare aka Swarm) with a history of checkins and embedded maps, maybe using MapKit JS.

Reading More Books

My shelf is filled with unread books and I have canceled my Netflix subscription, maybe now I can find some time to read more.

Mixing and Sampling Software

At least since 2012 I’ve been tracking the idea of a software, controlled by a command line interface, that can mix an arrange music samples. I have a rough concept but I don’t know how to implement such a project yet.


I would like to create a podcast, maybe a microcast. Not sure about the topic though. If you have suggestions or if you’re looking for a guest or co-host, let me know.

Custom Theme has been updated to use Hugo for the hosted micro blogs. I’d like to create a custom theme for my micro blog.

Bonus: Leave WhatsApp

This is not really a side project, more like a goal that I wanted to write down somewhere. On the other hand it is a side project if you also want to transition other people to an alternative messenger.

I left Facebook and Instagram last year. I have never regretted this decision and I don’t miss these platforms. This year I would like to permanently delete WhatsApp from my phone. There are enough good and better alternatives. WhatsApp is staying big because no one is leaving so everybody is locked in. I just don’t feel comfortable using Facebook services anymore. I try to avoid using anything they produce, including their open source software.

Ingmar @truefalse